This is a concern for most women who are pregnant. Not everyone will go through it, some experience mild changes and some quite visible and won't fade for quite a bit.
Stretch marks
No one can avoid a little of this during pregnancy.After all your skin is stretched by a few kgs! Some people are super lucky that they have more elasticity in their skin causing them not to have stretch marks while others have thinner skin and will have stretch marks, which will take a while to fade.The only way is not to increase your body weight too quickly and rub tons of preventative stretch marks lotions.
Linea nigra
The line that runs down in the middle of your tummy.They usualy make presence in the second semester and also will take time to fade. What you can do is rub the dry skin off after your pregnancy.
Spider vains
If you are already prone to them, you might have more during this time. You'll have them on your face and leg. To avoid keep from being too hot or cold.
Pigmentation on your face, neck and forehead. Its brown patches that appears on your neck, face and forehead. I have a friend who had them during her pregnancy and faded after the baby was born. Wear sunscreen when you're outdoors.
As your body puts on weight, you might get chaffing happening between your thighs or breast. Tell your GP about it. Keep it dry and put on talc if can.
Sensitive skin,rashes,itching
Your regular soap suddenly causes you itchiness.Some experience thrush(vaginal itchiness) and piles (itchiness around your anus). Talk to your GP if it doesn't go away within a couple of days as we would want it to clear up before the baby comes along.
Intense itching
Happens during 3rd trimester where could possibly link to a rare liver disorder which occours during pregnancy, obstetric cholestasis.From my reading it clears up after 3rd week of pregnancy.
A lot of things can happen during pregnancy. My cousin experience mild diabetes during her pregnancy. In my last pregnancy I had to lie down a lot towards the end of my pregnancy due to water retension and possible high blood pressure and yet, they all dissapeared after giving birth.
A lot of things can happen during pregnancy. My cousin experience mild diabetes during her pregnancy. In my last pregnancy I had to lie down a lot towards the end of my pregnancy due to water retension and possible high blood pressure and yet, they all dissapeared after giving birth.
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