Wednesday, December 30, 2009

6 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Premature Delivery

Most mothers carry their baby to term (90%). If you are at risk, your doctor would know by now and would advice you the necessary. Sudden premature birth happens to unknown factors. But with the advance facilities in new borns that we now have, any baby of 28 weeks can survive.

1. Avail yourself of good prenatal care.
2. Don't smoke. Quit before conception if you can.
3. Avoid alcohol consumption.
4. Eat nutritiously and gain the right amount of weight for you.
5. Avoid illegal drug use and use of over-the-counter medications not approved by your healthcare provider.
6. Avoid chronic, unresolved stress throughout your pregnancy.

Signs you are experiencing premature labour:
1. Your water bag breaks and starts gushing out followed by pain (or trickle).
2. Contraction that you thought were normal but now becoming more regular and intense.
3.Sudden pain on your lower back or pelvic that you never felt before.


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